Newton-Conover City Schools is a system committed to providing every student with the best possible instruction, multiple opportunities for enrichment and support, and examples of citizenship resulting in a high-quality life. Some of the core values for our system include producing globally competitive students, providing students access to twenty-first-century technology, and providing hope and direction to all children to enable them to establish a meaningful and productive role in our world. The mission of the North Carolina Career and Technical Education Strategic Plan is to empower students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy. Newton-Conover’s CTE program aligns with both the school system and state CTE mission as the CTE staff provides innovative, rigorous, and relevant instruction by offering a comprehensive Career and Technical Education program to academically prepare students for success for college and careers. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Funds support programs and services in middle and high school.
Newton-Conover City Schools and the Career & Technical Education Program do not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, disability, or age in its activities and programs, including employment policies and practices. Employees or students of Newton-Conover City Schools who feel that they have been discriminated against should contact Dr. John Robinson, 605 N Ashe Ave., Newton, NC 28658, 828-464-3191