
Welcome to the Newton-Conover High School Science Department!
Our department is here to challenge our students to think about their world in a different way.
Please click the "Tutoring Schedule" link to the right for times that your student can meet with their teachers for remediation or enrichment. Feel free to also visit each teacher's individual webpage for their biographies, contact information, and links to their course CANVAS pages.
Also check out the Science Clubs webpage for information on Science Olympiad, Envirothon, and Nature/Agriculture Club. These are the three extra-curricular and competitive science organizations that N-CHS students can participate in during the school year.
For those interested in learning how to grow their own food and care for honey bees...take a look at the Agriculture Club. We continue to develop ideas for gardening in all four seasons.
Science Graduation Requirements (for all students):
Life Science - 1 credit (Biology EOC course required)
(Foundations of Biology [Fall] and Biology I [Spring], Biology Honors (semester-long), Upperclassmen Elective: Biology 111 CVCC)
Earth/Environmental Science - 1 credit
(Earth/Environmental Science, Earth/Environmental Science Honors,
Electives: Honors Environmental Science/Pre-AP, AP Environmental Science)
Physical Science - 1 credit
(Physical Science, Chemistry, Chemistry Honors, Physics Honors)