Workkeys testing will be held in the NCHS Media Center on February 12.

North Carolina Workkeys State Test Administration - Spring 2025

Testing Date - February 12 at Newton Conover High School

Dear Parent or Guardian:

The State Board of Education is required by General Statute §115C-174.25, “to plan for and require local school administrative units to make available the appropriate WorkKeys tests for all students who complete a concentration in career and technical education courses.” The ACT WorkKeys assessment is given free of charge to all North Carolina students who are considered Career and Technical Education (CTE) concentrators. WorkKeys is part of North Carolina’s school accountability program.

The WorkKeys assessment is designed to measure students’ career readiness as they prepare to enter the workforce and allow them to demonstrate their abilities to potential employers using standardized, quantitative metrics. North Carolina administers the three WorkKeys assessments, Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents, that form the basis of the ACT® WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate® (NCRC®).

Students who achieve qualifying scores on the Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace

Documents assessments can earn an ACT WorkKeys NCRC at one of four levels of readiness: Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum. The nationally recognized certificate provides employers with information on the skill levels of potential employees and aids with employment, promotion, and training decisions.

Accessing WorkKeys Score Results and the NCRC

WorkKeys test scores and NCRCs earned from the state-sponsored administration are available two ways.

• The school can view and print the student score report and certificate and provide a copy to your student.

• Your child can create a account; this is optional. The school will provide a code to your child that will enable him/her to access their WorkKeys score results within  MyACT. Account creation can occur before or after testing; there is no time limit for account creation.

The following information is all that is required for North Carolina students:

• Name (first, middle initial, last)

• Date of birth

• ACT Student code (provided by ACT)

• Email address. The student must provide an email address to create an account.

Note: Parents and legal guardians should be aware that ACT allows students to input additional

information through the MyACT website. Any information voluntarily shared by your child within the MyACT website beyond the account creation criteria above may be used by ACT. The NCDPI does not require or condone the sharing of additional information with ACT, but if a student, parent, or legal guardian decides to supply additional information, the NCDPI recommends students and families review and understand the ACT Terms and Conditions and ACT Privacy Policy before doing so.

WorkKeys Testing Exceptions

If students have previously taken WorkKeys and earned a Silver, Gold, or Platinum certificate, they do not have to participate in the WorkKeys administration. However, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the school that they do not wish to participate in the test administration.

For consideration for a WorkKeys testing exception, students must complete a copy of the ACT WorkKeys Testing Exception Request Form (available at the school) and submit the request to the principal or the principal’s designee.

If you have questions or concerns about WorkKeys, please contact Angelo Palozzi at

Testing Date - February 12 at Newton Conover High School


Angelo Palozzi